Privacy Policy

Last Updated: January 21, 2024

At SpectrumTrend Tests, safeguarding your privacy is our priority. We are dedicated to providing a secure and trustworthy user experience. This Privacy Policy outlines how we gather, store, and utilize both personal and non-personal information collected through our website. By using our website, you agree to the terms outlined in this policy. If you disagree with any aspect of our data collection or processing methods, please refrain from using our website.

Use and Disclosure of Information:

We utilize the information collected on our website to provide requested services and products, enhance website functionality, respond to inquiries, and deliver personalized content and advertising tailored to user interests. We do not share mobile information with third parties or affiliates for marketing purposes, except for text messaging originator opt-in data and consent, which remains confidential.

Information We Collect:

  1. Personal Information: Information provided by users during registration or communication, such as name, address, contact details, etc.
  2. Demographic Information: General population characteristics like age, gender, income, education, etc.
  3. Behavioral Information: Data related to website usage patterns, services accessed, and computer hardware/software information.
  4. Web Technology Information: Automatically collected data including IP addresses, browser type, internet service provider, etc., often facilitated by cookies, web beacons, or JavaScript.

SMS Policy:

Approval to receive SMS from SpectrumTrend Tests does not extend to our partners. Only SpectrumTrend Tests can send text messages, typically ranging from 0-3 texts per week.

Confidential and Secure Web Environment:

We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of user information. Disclosure is limited to personnel requiring access for account servicing or as mandated by law. We implement stringent physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect user data.

Links to External Websites:

Our website may contain links to business partners or other informative sites. Information shared with these entities is subject to their respective privacy policies, for which SpectrumTrend Tests holds no responsibility.

Reviewing or Modifying Your Information:

Users can review and update their information via our website. Additionally, users have the right to request information held by SpectrumTrend Tests, make changes to it, and inquire about entities to which their information has been disclosed within the past two years.

Contact Information:

For queries regarding our privacy policy, contact us at the provided address or via email: